Saturday, March 17, 2012

You hem me in

My morning reading offered encouragement for those who feel stuck in situations beyond their control:

"O restless heart - beating against the prison bars of your circumstances and longing for a wider realm of usefulness - allow God to direct all your days. Patience and trust, even in the midst of the monotony of your daily routine, will be the best preparation to courageously handle the stress and strain of a greater opportunity, which God may someday send."
(excerpt from: Streams in the Desert)

And how do we trust when we have no clear answers to the pain and frustration we must endure?

"What does a child do whose mother or father allows something to be done which it cannot understand? There is only one way of peace. It is the child's way. The loving child trusts.
  I believe that we who know our God, and have proved Him good past telling, will find rest there. The faith of the child rests on the character it knows. So may ours; so shall ours.
"There is only one place where we can receive not an answer to our question, but peace - that place is Calvary. An hour at the foot of the Cross steadies the soul as nothing else can. 'O Christ beloved, Thy Calvary stills all our questions.' Love that loves like that can be trusted about this." 
(excerpt from: Rose From Brier)

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