Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Hope

My future in heaven, my eventual healing, the complete forgiveness of my sins, and my soul's peace all came at an extraordinary cost to Jesus. I'm so thankful to Him today for the brutal torture he endured, the humiliating death he died, and most of all for his victorious resurrection. Because of his triumph over death and the evil in this world, I can persevere with sure hope until he returns to take me home.

"But he was pierced for our transgressions,
he was crushed for our iniquities;
the punishment that brought us peace was upon him,
and by his wounds we are healed."
Isaiah 53:5


Rachel Lundy said...


Groves said...

Amen, amen, amen, and amen.

Come quickly, Lord Jesus.

Glad of you, Colors of Qavah,

Cathy in Missouri

Groves said...

I keep coming back to this. Every time, I love it just as much.

We do have hope - because of Him. All the hope we need for eternity. And we will soon be There. Hopefully sooner than we think.

What a pleasure it will be to meet you, finally.

"When we all see Jesus, we'll sing and shout the victory!"

Cathy in Missouri

Anonymous said...

Yes amen!!! It is great that on this side of heaven Jesus sustains us in our weakness and related struggles with dysautonomia. We are never alone never defeated... In truth so great a redeemer have we who can unit people who suffer in body spirit and mind. He takes our own brokeness and from The depth of our frustrations he has created in each of us compassion, tendeness concern and real deep love for each other as we deal with the difficulties of dys. We have all learned to hear the voice of God in our silent times. Jesus is waiting for us in the silence of our hearts. The IMportant thing is what he teaches and says to us and then speaks through us... The pure waters of grace flow from his love for us to bring hope faith and love in the midst of dys is Christ Jesus...

Who knew the testimonies of Jesus that would flow from so many dys bloggers

Blessing and courage in Christ
